This time we will prepare a specialty typical of Shopian sofra, following our original idea, to present traditional but simple dishes in the museum. Journalist Diana Fertunova, who is also an unsurpassed culinary master in terms of traditional Bulgarian feasts, will show us how Shopski caviar is made in the Etnocuisine of the Burgas Museum. She has proven herself in a number of professional fields, Diana has been living in Burgas for years, but she was born in Sofia and remembers the cuisine of Shops with nostalgia.
Caviar has nothing to do with real caviar, but since its consistency is more grainy, it resembles caviar, and it is assumed that this is why it is called so.Its preparation is easy, but the taste is unique. It is most often served spread on a slice as a breakfast or appetizer. It will surely become a favourite recipe for many, as it does not take much time to prepare, and at the same time it is considered one of the most delicious and popular traditional dishes of the Shop region (The areas traditionally inhabited by the Shopi or Šopi is called Shopluk or Šopluk (Шоплук), a mesoregion).
Come and try it on July 19, Friday, from 11 a.m. in the Ethnographic Kitchen in the courtyard of the Ethnographic Museum. It is located in the center of Burgas at ul. "Slavyanska" 69.
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