Archaeological investigations of Aquae Calidae have begun

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10 Jul

Archaeological investigations of Aquae Calidae have begun

The beginning of the new archaeological season was given in the most famous ancient and medieval baths in Bulgarian lands - Akve Kalide, which are located in the "Vetren" district of Burgas. The studies were financed again this year by the Municipality of Burgas through the Regional Historical Museum Burgas / RHM Burgas. In the following months, the efforts of the scientific supervisors Assoc. d.n.a. Dimcho Momchilov and assistant. Miroslav Klasnakov will be concentrated in the north-eastern interior of the early Byzantine bath and will include structures from the Roman, early Byzantine and medieval eras.
The following will also be examined:
1) A medieval layer, from which five dwellings, part of a church and a necropolis have been identified so far in the last two years, which fall within the chronological boundaries of the 11th-13th centuries. and are lined with a large quantity of artistic pottery, coins and seals;
2) Pool from Antiquity and the Middle Ages, built on the ancient catchment;
3) Ancient canal - a facility of particular importance both during the Roman era and during the construction of the early Byzantine bathhouse in the 4th century;
4) A stone structure of andesitic tuff detected at the end of October 2023, which is supposed to be part of the nymphaeum. In this area in the summer of 2022. an exceptional dedicatory inscription from the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd century was discovered.
The opening of the space between the antique catchment and the northeast corner of the Turkish bath will continue. To a large extent, the results of some of the sites planned for study (in this case, the ancient canal, the nymphaeum) will depend on the level of groundwater. Excavations in one of the most popular ancient baths have been taking place since 2008. here, without interruption. The current survey picture presents a rich range of early Byzantine and medieval architecture and materials. The new archaeological digs in Aquae Calidae aim to expand the scope of the structures uncovered in the attractive tourist center built in the area. To present in greater completeness the bathing complex that existed for several centuries, as well as to enrich the museum funds of the Burgas Museum.



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