On 28.08. (Wednesday) at 11:00 a.m. in the Ethno Kitchen of RHM Burgas at 69 Slavyanska Street, we will present a delicious and well-known breakfast for many generations. It is prepared from homemade rolled crusts, and its filling can be different - cheese, cottage cheese, minced meat, vegetables. Did you remember? It's about güzleme. It is part of Turkish cuisine, but it is becoming more and more popular in our country. In many places it is cooked on a sach to produce small black-brown spots.
Nedka Stoyanova, who is 74 years old from the Burgas neighborhood "Dolno Ezerovo" will show us how she makes gyuzleme according to her great-grandmother's recipe. The secret of making the delicious pasta is passed down from generation to generation in her family, and the recipe has not changed to this day.
We are expecting you, it will be delicious!
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