On hot summer days, the menu consists mainly of light and refreshing dishes. A favorite soup for this season is tarator, which is served cold and guarantees freshness on the table. It is curious that in the past our grandmothers made it instead of milk, only with water. There are different options for its preparation and one of them will be presented on August 9 at 11:00 a.m. in the Ethnocuisine of the Burgas Museum (ul. 69 Slavyanska Street) journalist Desislava Geneva, manager of the information site "Gramophone". Her visit promises to bring not only culinary pleasure to visitors, but also to meet them with an inspiring creative person in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Traditionally, culinary demonstrations in the museum are accompanied by a historical story about the origin of the dish and sharing culinary secrets for its preparation. So even the most trivial dish can bring surprises to lovers of traditional cuisine.
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