Saint Anthony's Day

Saint Anthony's Day

St. Anthony keeps women from sin

In folklore, the most common is the notion that the Saints Anthony and Atanas were brothers blacksmiths. Although they are twins, Anthony is the younger and poorer one and worked as an apprentice in the workshop of his brother. According to one legend, once he had to iron out the fire with his bare hands and done it without being burned. After this event all realized that he was no ordinary person. That gift owned also St. Athanasius.

It is interesting why the saint Anton is especially revered by women ... It turns out that only he has the power to protect them from temptation, because the devil to lure afraid only of it - once St. Anthony caught him, tied him tightly and held him so for some time.

"He played a great role in the equilibrium in the female soul" - wrote Stoyan Raychevski in his book "Calendar and rituals in Strandzha and Eastern Thrace", and states that in Strandja "knowledge of men of St. Anton limited attribution his kinship with St. Athanasius. "

<I> Rosica Topalova, curator in the department "Ethnography" </ i>