
Easter is a major Christian holiday. According to people’s believes, the Easter holidays take central place in the spring celebration calendar. This event coincides with the revival of the nature, the tree blossom and the beautiful spring flowers growth, the celebration of life and the sun, which the red Easter egg symbolizes.

For Easter the tradition says that people prepare and wear a set of new clothes. On Sunday the celebration is at its highest point, it’s time to use the red eggs and break the ritual bread. Typical for the celebration is the tapping / fighting / with red and colourful Easter eggs. The family’s members visit their sponsors and the parents of the bride, where they exchange Easter eggs and bread. Binding element of the festive ritual during all three days are the Easter swings tied on a green tree, the swinging on them for good health, as well as the Easter songs and dances performed on the square.

The holiday "Easter" is recreated traditionally in the Ethnographic complex. The entertainment program for the Easter holidays is prepared by the museum specialists of RIM Burgas in partnership with the municipality and groups of presenters for authentic folklore. The Easter table with roast chicken, ritual bread and eggs takes the central place at the feast. Live presented are typical for the region customs and rituals such as the eggs rolling, eggs throwing between young men and women, tapping /fighting/ with “boratsi”, playing on the Easter swings for good health, in which each of the attendees can take part.