One of the most significant cultural values in the fund of the Historical Museum in Burgas is the collection of icons from the end of the XIX century. Among the few signed by its author is the icon "St. Virgin Hodegetria with the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The painter is Sterios Dimitriou from the town of Kozani, and the icon is dated 1853, April 15. Her origin has not been established, as she has been trafficked.
The image of the Blessed Virgin and the other characters is inscribed in a gold frame, on a gold background, which in the four corners is decorated with baroque elements. St. The Mother of God is represented at the waist, with her left hand holding the Infant Christ, who blesses, and in her left hand she holds a globe, like the Almighty. In the two upper corners of the picturesque field are kneeling angels, holding scrolls with texts from the Akathist of the Mother of God. The lower belt of the icon is distinguished by a transverse decorative frame in Baroque style and in it are inscribed the images of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, who hold a model of a church. In the middle between their images, low to the bottom of the picture frame, there is an inscription in Greek, in white letters, which reads: ἐγ [ρα] Σε Στέργιος Δημητρίου ὁ ἐκ / Κοζάνης. ἒτει σωτηρίῳ 1853, / μηνὶ Ἀπριλίῳ 15. "Written by Sterios (Stergios) Dimitriou of Kozani. Years of Salvation 1853, April 15th".
The described painting radiates solemnity and magnificence, without preventing it from being stylish and harmoniously composed. The posture and radiance of the Blessed Virgin are filled with tenderness and love and give the impression that she is happy to present her divine son to the world. The Infant himself also blesses with a smile and kindness. The images of the two equal apostles are painted with no less skill. By mastering the painting techniques with skill, the painter manages to instill in the viewer the difference in the age of the saints, giving them individuality and dignity worthy of their deeds.
The work of Sterios Dimitriou is exhibited in the Icon Hall of the Historical Museum, 31 Lermontov Street. The museum is open for visits every day from 10:00 to 19:00.