Comfortable pedestrian passages now allow every visitor to get acquainted with the ancient ruins in Aquae Calidae. Their construction is part of the next stage of the restoration and conservation of the archaeological site near Burgas. The mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov and the director of the Regional historical museum Milen Nikolov today opened the new facility and the restored archaeological site.
"11 years ago, we started to look for different sources of funding - with own funds of the Municipality of Burgas, from the state budget and various programs to start archaeological excavations, which is a small part so far, which gives us grounds to continue with the restoration activities. We need to provide the funding for the next stage in order to be ready to make itand more accessible." said mayor Dimitar Nikolov.
"Thanks to this policy in recent years, the cultural and historical tourism in Burgas already has serious visible results." It remains to be built by continuing with the restoration, conservation and exhibition of the archaeological site." added Milen Nikolov, Director of Regional historical museum Burgas.
In addition to the accessible environment, decorative colour lighting is installed all along the pedestrian passages, making view even more attractive. The cold pool of the Roman thermae is also drained and restored, and the buildings across the southern part between the apodyterium and Suleiman Magnificent Bath are sealed.
In the next stage of the socialization of Aquae Calidae, the buildings in the eastern part of the site will be preserved, and an educational museum with a copy of a Roman bath will be built over them.
The last conservation and restoration activities of Aquae Calidae are part of the project "The Common Cultural Heritage without Borders - TOGETHER" CB005.1.21.139, funded under the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria - Turkey Cross-Border Program 2014-2020
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