"The Liberation of Bulgaria and the Eastern Question (1876-1878)" is the subject of the museum lecture this Saturday - March 9th. It will be held at 11:30 h. in the Ethnographic Museum (69 Slavyanska Str.)
The historian of RHM-Burgas Vladimir Anignestov will familiarize the audience with the details of the so-called "Eastern Crisis" and the disturbed balance between the Great Powers on the eve of the Russian-Turkish War of Liberation (1877-1878). The diplomatic efforts before the war, during the Constantinople Ambassadorial Conference (1876) and attempts to peaceful resolve of the conflict will be in question. Emphasis in the lecture will be the important historical moments surrounding the concluded treaties - the San Stefano Peace Treaty and the Berlin Congress in 1878, forerunners of the birth of the Third Bulgarian State.
The entrance fee is preferential - for adults 2 BGN and for students and pensioners - 1 BGN.
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