An exhibition presents all Bulgarian saints in the Night of Museums

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  • An exhibition presents all Bulgarian saints in the Night of Museums
09 May

An exhibition presents all Bulgarian saints in the Night of Museums

On 19 May 2018, at 18:30 hours, the exhibition "Bulgarian Saints" will be opened at the Historical Museum (Burgas, 31 Lermontov Str.) This is the latest author's exposition of the Burgas historians, which they have been working on over the last 6 months. The exhibition is co-financed by a session of the Ministry of Culture for activities in the field of museum and fine arts.

The exhibition presentes 65 Bulgarians, canonized for saints by the Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian and Russian churches. They are thematically grouped as saintly enlighteners, saint martyrs, saintly rulers and saintly church figures. They lived in the period between the IX and XX century. This is the first exhibition in Bulgaria, where all the Bulgarians, whose merits and feats led to their canonization, are summarized and listed.

The exhibition is part of the program of the Regional historical museum Burgas on the occasion of the Night of Museums, which will be held on 19th of May 2018. The museum has prepared six exhibitions, distributed in the four expositions - Archaeological, Ethnographic, Historical and Natural History.

Tags:Bulgarian saints
