Enyo's days 24.06-26.06

24 Jun

Enyo's days 24.06-26.06

Regional Historical Museum Burgas gladly invites the citizens and guests of Burgas to join in the celebrations of Enyo’s days in the Ethnographic Complex (Slavyanska № 69)!

24/06/2010 at 10:00 - Midsummer-magical celebration dedicated to the summer sun, dew and herbs. In the longest day of the year, we will go for health and luck through „Enyo’s“fragrant wreath.
Opening of the exhibition "Draw me sunshine" by participants of the summer art school headed by Mrs. Tanya Stoyanova.

26/06/2010 at 10:00
Recreation of the traditional ritual "Enyo’s bride". Music accompaniment and songs performed by Ensemble "Goce Delchev", part of association "Pelister" - Burgas.

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