Lazarusday in the Etnographic museum, Burgas - 2012
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Among our Bulgarian customs, Lazaruvane is truly outstanding. It is based on ancient rites connected with the spring time awakening of nature. The so called Lazarus games (bg: Lazarski igri) are one of the most joyful and poetic expressions of the Bulgarian spirit.
This ritual involves young girls (called "lazarki") who are about to get married. They go round the village houses in groups and sing special “lazarski” songs, for which the maidens receive gifts. The girls get dressed in bridal costumes, which are decorated by various metal and beaded jewellery, rooster feathers, natural or artificial flowers.
On April 5, 2012. from 11:00 in the Ethnographic Museum (Burgas, 69 Slavyanska St.) the results of municipal competition “Lazarski kitki” will be announced at the spring celebration accompanied by small awards and opening of an exhibition.
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