RIM Burgas participating in the Third National Exhibition - "Bulgarian archaeology 2009"

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  • RIM Burgas participating in the Third National Exhibition - "Bulgarian archaeology 2009"
16 Feb

RIM Burgas participating in the Third National Exhibition - "Bulgarian archaeology 2009"

For the second consecutive year RIM Burgas will be involved in the third national exhibition "Bulgarian archaeology 2009" with findings acquired during archaeological season 2008 - 2009. The opening ceremony will be held on 16.02.2010, 17:00 in the hall for guest exhibitions of NAIM - BAN Sofia.
During 2008 and 2009 specialist archaeologists from RIM Burgas conducted excavations at the prehistoric mound at locality the 10th kilometre (mound Burgas), implemented with financial support of Municipality Burgas. The archaeological complex dates from the end of the 6th millennium BC and the entire 5th millennium BC and is the earliest ever found in the territory of Burgas. The findings provide new and significant information about everyday life and religious practices of the first agricultural-cattleman tribes inhabiting the southern Black Sea coast.
The exhibits will be available to the Bulgarian and international audience in Sofia until May 2010, after which the visitors of RIM Burgas will be able to see them displayed in the halls of the local museum.

