Mila Chukleva

Mila Chukleva

Mila Krasteva Chukleva was born on 6 August 1938 in Burgas. Her maternal line is a descendant of patriotic Thracian refugees from Eastern Thrace and on paternal of a revolutionary family from Panagyurishte. Mila completed with distinction in the Second Mixed School "Konstantin Fotinov" in Burgas. In 1961 she graduated Sofia University with three majors - Slavic philology with Polish & Bulgarian language and literature and ethnography. All her professional activity - scientific, promotional and organizational, is related to museum work and journalism. From 1 June 1961 to 5 August 1971, she worked in County Historical Museum Burgas, at the beginning briefly as a guide and then as head of department "Ethnography". In 1971 Mila Chukleva became Doctor of historical sciences at Sofia University with doctoral thesis on "Traditional viticulture and winemaking in the Black Sea basin south of the Balkan Mountain". Then she began working as a methodist on the problems of museums in Department "Cultural heritage" in the Regional Council for Culture - Sofia. In 1982 she won a competition at the National Library "St. Cyril and Methodius" and until 1992 she continued working as an editor of the journal "Librarian."