Traditional games from old times
Traditional games from old times: ideas on how to entertain children without "modern" toys
Recently around the web many recall the games of our childhood. Yes, for us (born until 1989) to play outside until dark, alone, was normal. Everyone was naming a game and the fun began. Then another and so on until tired.
Now, the summer vacation has begun and along with going to the beach, parents and grandparents have no easy task to entertain the pipsqueak powers. We will offer you a few ideas literally taken from the archive of the Ethnographic exposition in Burgas.
- Guards and thieves - the players are divided into two groups. The group of "thieves" run, and the group of "watchmen" chase them. After the "guards" caught the last of the group of "thieves" the two groups switch places. Perimeter or boundary of the game can be different around several blocks to the entire neighborhood if you are playing in a village.

- Celik - played by older boys. Celik is a short stick with a length of 30-40 cm, which is sharpened at both ends. Often made twisted to be able to fly. The game requires one short and one long stick called chimka about 1-1.5 m, which impinges the short one. The game is played by two people or two groups. After a hole is dug in the ground, the two teams chose player to start first. The first player is selected with the help of the long stick, one grabs the stick from the bottom, the other above it and so turns until one of the players reached the top of the stick. The game begins by placing the celik on the long stick and thrown upwards. Opposing team seeks to grab the stick. If the stick was touched by a player, he is removed from the game. This action is repeated by a player from the other team. If the stick was not touched, then the long stick is placed over the hole, aiming to take out of the game player from the other team. Once removed player from the opposing team, the Celik is placed in the hole, and with the long stick was throwing up and hit another stick. Opposing team still seeks to hold the stick. There is a certain trait over which must pass stick. If Celik not catch and pass the line burns player from the opposing team. If you can not hit the stick, players are allowed three attempts.
- Harman Celik - a variation of the previous game, "Celik". Draw circle with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 m. The celik is being hit at the edge as the enemy seeks to catch it. If the celik has not been caught the player from the opposing team is taken out. If you catch the celik, a player from the other team seeks to strike the drawn circle, while the circle is kept by a player from the opposing team, who aims to wean Celik with his stick.
- Juran Akman / Macedonian / - also resembles Celik. Draw circle about 1-1,5 m. Requires triple celik of wood and a long stick of about a meter. In the circle is placed Akman = Celik, which rests with its three branches. The player who throws the stick, aims to hit Akman beyond the circle. A player from the other team protects the Akman and has an obligation to hit the Akman after it was send in the air, catch it and put it in the circle, then run to step on the opponents' stick. If the keeper fails before the player can take it, the player is taken out. The player is also taken out when the impact his wand out of the mark behind the circle. Because of the controversy it has caused this game has often played until dark.
In the second part, we will tell you what were the games of children in the city. Merry vacation! Turn off computers, tablets and have fun with friends!
Plamena Kirova – Ch. curator
Department „Ethnography“ of RHM Burgas
НА, отдел „Етнография“ а. е. 226, с 1-2
Images: Илия Зайков, Златка Асенова „Играчка – плачка. Български народни игри и играчки за деца“, Художник – Борис Ачков