Terracotta - head of a woman's statuette

Terracotta made of red well-purified clay. Represents head of a woman, slightly sloping back and left. Realistically represented folds of the neck, facial features, and hairstyle. A small, sharp nose, big eyes, a slightly open little mouth and a dimple on the chin. Above the high forehead there are a curls. On top of the head is a bun?

Measurements: Preserved height 5.5 cm


  • Object type :Terracotta
  • Material :ceramics
  • Site :Aquae Calidae

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The digitalization tool of RHM Burgas and the digital content for Collection “Aquae calidae” was created within the Project “TOGETHER: Common cultural and historical heritage beyond the borders” – CB005.1.21.139, co-funded by the by the European Union trough the Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-border Programme 2014-2020. The content is the sole responsibility of Regional historical museum Burgas and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme.